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  1. NEW: Highlights: The 2005 Energy bills of Low-Income Consumers

  2. NEW: Read the full document: The 2005 Energy Bills of Low-Income Consumers, the Resources Available to Help Pay Them, and Their Impact on Household Budgets

  3. Press Release:
    Low-Income Consumers' Energy Bills Grew Faster Than Their Incomes In Recent Years

  4. Read the full document:
    Low-Income Consumers' Energy Bills And Energy Savings in 2003 And FY 2004

I.   Low-Income Energy Consumers and the
      Framework of Current Energy Markets

  1. 2001 Energy Consumers Spent More for Less

  2. 2004 Gasoline Prices -Real Income Losses

  3. Energy Bills and Other Hardships: What are Low- and Moderate-Income Families Experiencing? Census Bureau Evidence! Slide Show

    Census figures on the other hardships of households who cannot pay their energy bills. This slide show shows the preliminary findings from a comprehensive study completed in Fall 2003. The results show consumers who missed one or more energy payments in 1998 were typically hungry, behind in their rent, and skipping needed medical care.

  4. Utility Shutoffs in 1997 and Beyond…

    Analyses DOE data on the more than 2 million consumers who lost energy services in 1997 because they were unable to afford the fuel or the maintenance of their equipment.

  5. Full Funding for LIHEAP: What Is It?

    Analysis of the real expenditures needed to reduce household energy burdens using alternative standards of fairness for energy burden and for participation rates

  6. Why not just put the LIHEAP money into Weatherization? EOS’ Answer to a Congressman’s question.

  7. Fact Sheet: Electricity, the Poor, and Weatherization 1987-1997 New. Energy Bills, Burdens, and Housing Efficiency Indicators for Low-Income Households over a 10 year period

  8. Fact Sheet: Electricity and the Elderly

    Electric Bills, Burdens and Usage of the Low-Income Elderly in 1997.

  9. Energy Burden and its impact: a slide show. These graphs summarize the DOE 1997 survey and Census data from 1998 on how energy bills become unaffordable for many lower income consumers download the PowerPoint show!

  10. One man’s remarkable letter: the impact of LIHEAP and WAP on a boy’s heart

II.    Community Action and Community Services Block Grant

  1. Highlights of the FY 2001 CSBG Information System Report 5-03

    The latest CSBG Annual Report Summary,

  2. Performance Measures for HHS Programs and the Community Services Block Grant New on the Web!

    A look at the goals of the U.S. DHHS Administration on Families and Children and compare those for CSBG to those for other programs; identifies how CSBG contributes to many other goals, the ways CSBG performance measures fit its mission, how LIHEAP and several other office of Community Services programs goals and reports compare, and, finally, what CSBG/ROMA offers that federal tests cannot provide.

  3. Head Start and CSBG

      3a.Head Start and Community Action 1995-1999: U.S. and Regional Analysis

      3b. Head Start and Community Action 2000: Does the Type of Agency Matter to the Children?

    Both of these analyze the types of agency providing Head Start programs in these different years. The second considers the relationship between the services provided and the types of Head Start agencies.

      3c. Head Start and Community Action in FY 2001: An Update in FY 2001,Updated 2002

      3d. Trends in CAAs Head Start Resources 1995-99

III.    Low-Income Energy Programs: Current Proposals, Resources, Best Practices

Current Program Proposals vs. History Federal and Other

  1. LIHEAP Funding History and 2003 –04 Budget Proposals, by State NEW! 5-03
  2. Weatherization Funding History and 2003-04 Proposals, by State

    Finding Resources: Leveraging and Coordinating More of Them

  1. New! Never-before reported data! “The Local Weatherization Survey of PY 2000 Leveraged Resources and Weatherization Plus”! (Check out Appendix V, Unconventional Sources of Weatherization Leveraged Funds)(See the WAPTAC State Funding Survey for comparison.)

  2. Comparison of Weatherization Leveraging Reports to DOE PY 1999

    Best Practices in Managing Leveraging and Coordinated Programs: Do’s and Don’ts

  3. Weatherization Agencies with Housing and Community Development Leveraged Programs: Three Case Studies from 2001
  4. Utility/WAP Combined Programs – Advice from Peers
        Part a: Utility Programs in WAP Agencies: Introduction to Best Practices
        Part b: The Best Designs for Utility – WAP Programs: A List of Do’s and Don’ts

IV.    Energy Data: Regional, State or Local

The research products listed below are all based on the Department of Energy’s Residential Energy Consumption Survey (“RECS”) 1997. This in-depth information is essentially an energy “census” detailing energy usage, bills, and housing characteristics. It has a large low-income sample. This data will be updated when DOE issues its 2001 RECS report sometime in 2003. For the present, 1997 can be used as a base; updates of prices and incomes can be added to allow estimates of current conditions. Some of these reports include such estimates.

Contact EOS for more reports from our files or for similar material you may need.


  1. Bills and Energy Burdens of Fuel Oil Users in the Northeast
  2. Florida and New York 1997: Low-Income Electricity Usage and Expenditures
  3. New York State: Energy Burden of Those Eligible for Low Income Heating Assistance Updated!
  4. Mid-Atlantic Electricity Consumers’ Bills and Energy Burdens, 1997

    West and West Coast

    California Package

  1. California Low-Income Household Energy Work Book Introduction
  2. CA: Tables of Bills and Burdens by Electric or Other Heat Customers
  3. Testimony of Dr Meg Power to CA PUC on Energy Burden of Low-Income Californians 2002 – Mountain Region Energy Billsme Californians

    South and Southwest

  1. Energy Bills and Burdens in the Southeast and Southwest, 1997
  2. Texas Low-Income Propane Users’ Bills and Burdens
  3. Mountain Region 1997 vs. 2001 Energy Bills and Burden
  4. Florida and New York: 1997 Low-Income Electricity Usage and Expenditures

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