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We have selected a few of our staff's favorite sites.  The first list has locations for ever-changing useful data on energy and/or demographics of low-income families and the federal and state policy, and programs affecting the poor.  

The second part of the list contains sites of particular interest to the leadership of low-income program delivery organizations, Community Action Agencies (CAA's) and others currently managing programs to help the low-income consumers.

The final part of our list is our President's choice of fun sites to be visited when you have solved a day's quota of the world's ills.  We welcome any suggestions for links to add to any section of the list.

Basic information links

National LIHEAP Clearinghouse

Department of Energy - Efficiency

Depatment of Energy: Energy Information Administration

Scorecard: An Information Service provided by Environmental Defense

Low Income Program, Policy, and related links

National Community Action Foundation  

National Association for State Community Services Programs

Electric Power Industry Restructuring and Deregulation

Weatherization  Technical Assistance Center

Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

Administration for Children and Families

Census Poverty Statistics

Efficient and Renewable Energy Resources For Everyone

National Center for Appropriate Technology


Interesting Links

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

Give For Change

Natural Gas Monthly Special Report


The Hubble Telescope Live!

National Climatic Data Center (NCDC)

Looking for help for your family or friend?
Want to help others?
Here are a few links that may be useful:

1. Community Action Agencies: these multi-service community anti-poverty agencies are in nearly every U.S. County. If they cannot provide help directly, CAAs will try to direct you to other possibilities. Many do have websites. Find your CAA on the web: http://www.communityactionpartnership.com. If no CAA near you is listed, go to: www.nascsp.org/information/state_information.html and find your state government office that oversees Community action will be able to lead you in the right direction.

Need energy bill assistance? Get directions to the agency nearest you from

3. Have concerns about your electric; gas, or water utility? Let your state consumer advocate office know about it – Find the advocate at: www.nasucsa.org/about/membdir.php

4. Want to help your local low-income Energy Program? Use the CAA directory above or e-mail us at , and we’ll gladly identify the organizations trying to meet these needs.

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Disclaimer: EOS Inc., is non-partisan and does not participate in lobbying activities at any level of the federal system.  Any opinions, advocacy, or lobbying recommendations on the sites we link to do not necessarily reflect our values and are not our recommendations (We have no policy recommendations in our papers; their interpretation and implementation is up to our clients and our readers).  In fact, we are deliberately linking to a wide range of views from reputable sources and welcome your suggestions for more links.



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